Unveiling the Future

Our collective attitude today towards any unknown, as reflected in the mass media, is one of relentless exposure. Nothing is secret anymore; nothing is sacred; taboos are falling with a stunning rapidity; nothing is ultimately mysterious. Any unknown can in principle be uncovered and made known. No “god of the gaps”, please! Now we have micro-cameras that can unveil what was once the deepest mystery of physical union—the process of fertilisation. What used to occur only behind closed doors now can be seen openly on the Internet and increasingly revealed in word or image in any media. We are a logically shameless culture. There is now no hiddenness of any kind that should remain so. This attitude is nowhere more evident than in our approach to the unknown future….
In another attempt to articulate the hidden (psychic) cause of our suicidal trajectory today, this essay explores the “within” of the stark material facts of existence today. What psychic telos is at work here? How can we attune ourselves to its movement?