A Love Story


If you believe, on documented evidence, that love mysteriously has entered the world in historically new forms from time to time (compassion, philia, forgiveness, charity, romantic), transforming Western culture in its wake, then you will be open to what my short essay here has to say…

Love, seeking entry into the world in the 21st century, must pour its gifts into the prepared human vessel—now a psychological vessel described here as the essence of any dream moment sent by eros. Action in the world rooted in this union of eros and conscious psyche incarnates a drop of pure love in our desperate world, so devoid of love at this time.


Following this essay, I recalled my autobiography, written in 2005, after a visit to my homeland of England. Stimulated by my recent essay above I remembered that my autobiography had begun with an I CHING reading: The Wanderer which had a moving line that led to Stillness. This theme occurs throughout my life, including my essay above. It is a theme that Heidegger was also deeply concerned with over his lifetime. He asks how our wandering or homelessness can be healed and answers “by a homecoming” to stillness, as all spiritual traditions avow.